Lockdown Shopping Edit - 13 Items That Will Make Lockdown A Little Bit More Bearable
Hello, how are we all doing? We are all good in the grand scheme of things. I felt massively overwhelmed and tearful last week, but that was mainly down to raging hormones post my latest session of immunotherapy on Wednesday. I took a few days away from Instagram, did some sweaty workouts (I am loving Belle Hutt’s Instagram Hiit and Sculpting sessions), read my book (Three Women, it’s a page-turner) and put together this shopping edit and felt much better for it.
I know that not everyone is in the mood for shopping right now, but I also know that lots of you are because many of you encouraged me to do a shopping post when I asked a few weeks ago. I am definitely thinking a lot more carefully about the purchases I make at the moment, and looking for pieces that fit with this new reality we are all faced with. My edit covers self-care, loungewear, jigsaws and those pick-me-up interiors accessories which will refresh a space and put a smile on your face at the same time.
We are all spending a lot more time at home and if you are anything like me, that means you might find yourself scrutinising certain areas of your house that little bit more than usual. That’s not to say you need to give the space a total makeover. Often making a small change can make you fall in love with a space all over again. So I’ve included some items which will give a room an instant lift, like the cobalt blue Triangle lamp (which also comes in cream and lilac) which I have been eyeing up for months to bring a welcome shot of bright colour to our inky blue lounge. I love the dark blue walls but I sometimes think in summer it’s a little too moody, and this pop of colour would lift it. If I do get the lamp, I’ll pop it on this console next to the sofa and my new Cheeky vase (below) which I’ve styled with some foraged lilac picked up on one of our daily walks. The vase is currently on pre-order, but I’ve included it because I put my name down for the email alert for when it came back into stock and managed to bag one last week and it was well worth the wait!
Scroll down for more details on the pieces in my edit…it gives a pretty accurate depiction of where my lockdown mind is at right now.
Art Jigsaw by Print Club London - Lockdown life has transported us to a simpler way of life in many ways, and there are few things more satisfying than sitting down and completing a good jigsaw. Print Club London have teamed up with Luckies to produce a series of artworks by artists Dave Buonaguidi, Lucille Clerk and Clare Halifax in jigsaw form, £17.99.
2. Scalloped pasta bowls by Soho Home - These are a bit special, but I’m trying to slowly build up a nicer collection of tableware, rather than having a huge blowout and buying it all at once. One of the things I’ve been enjoying during lockdown is setting the table for dinner. All we seem to do is prep food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, wash up…and repeat, you know the drill! Originally inspired by Laura Jackson’s hashtag #makeamealofit I find setting the table at least a couple of times a week makes the whole thing a bit more of an event. I was recently sent a beautiful set of scalloped dinner plates by Rose & Grey and these Soho Home bowls will sit perfectly alongside them. They’re not exactly the same but I don’t like everything to be too matchy matchy, it’s not like we are going to be entertaining the Queen anytime soon! £64 for four
3. Cobalt Blue Triangle lamp, as mentioned above, comes in a few different colours and will instantly update and brighten a room. Price varies but I found it for £103 here.
4. Shell Dish The interiors shape of the moment, this sweet dish could be used to hold jewellery in a bathroom or on a bedside table, or as a trinket elsewhere in the house. You could even use it as a mini serving bowl for nuts or olives. At £8.99 it’s an affordable way to buy into the trend without blowing the budget. See also item 12.
5. Tye Die sweatshirt I couldn’t do a lockdown shopping edit without including some tie dye loungewear could I? It is without a doubt the biggest lockdown fashion trend going and has been selling like hotcakes! I’ve managed to find a more neutral take on the trend still available on Amazon. These also come in a more daring neon pink and green colourway and there are joggers to go with them too, which I’ve ordered, because I already have two tie dye sweatshirts and don’t think I can justify anymore, even though the matching set is very tempting. £34.90 for the sweatshirt. If leggings are more your thing, these ASOS tie-dye numbers are a winner for £18.
6. Tablecloth see also item 2 and 12, a side effect of enjoying setting the table so much is that I have developed a minor obsession with tablecloths. What can I say…lockdown is a wild ride ;-) Seriously though, tablecloths are a quick and easy way to switch up a table setting. I have a lovely beige linen one from H&M, which looks very chic with the scalloped plates mentioned above, but it’s been slightly destroyed by the killer combination of kids, spaghetti bolognese and a spilled glass of red wine. So I’m on the hunt for more. H&M Home have a big selection (like the blue ticking one in my edit). I also love this black gingham one from Zara Home, which will look mega chic on our garden table, but at £79.99 I’m holding out for a sale. I’ve also been repurposing my Nana’s pretty vintage sheets as tablecloths, so check out eBay and Etsy to hunt for vintage sheets or tablecloths.
Tablecloth, Zara Home
7. Soul Providers Body Scrub It’s really important that we all take time out for some self-care during this time. It sounds like a cliché but between juggling work, home schooling kids, the constant snack requests etc etc, it’s hard to find time for yourself. One of the things I’ve started doing is taking time out for a bath at least one evening a week (not one wash a week, I still shower!) and one of my favourite products is this new sugar scrub from Beauty Pie! I was already a huge fan of the brand and I love this new addition to the family. If you haven’t delved into the Beauty Pie world, I really recommend you check it out for great quality beauty products at great prices. You can get your first month of Beauty Pie free with this link
8. Making Living Lovely . Now before I start raving about this book, I want to give full disclosure that 2LG’s Jordan & Russell are my friends. That aside this book is brilliant! It’s aimed at helping you create a home that works for, and is a reflection of you. I love the warm, accessible and encouraging tone of the book, plus it’s packed full of beautiful imagery to pour over.
9. Cheeky vase, see above. £45. Open to pre-order for delivery in 2-4 weeks.
10. Calm room spray This range by M&S is one of my favourite discoveries this year. I’m usually a believer in you get what you pay for when it comes to home scents and candles, but this collection brings instant spa vibes for an absolute steal. I have the linen spray by my bed and spritz across my pillows before bed to help me relax. Range from £5.
11. Cushion…you can never have too many and they are a quick way to update a bed or sofa. West Elm currently have 25% off their range. I love the neutral tones and texture of this one, and this one is fab too. £29.25
West Elm cushion
12. Scalloped Serving dish, see also items 2 and 6. This showstopper of a dish is perfect for salads…or crisps. Is it just me that’s eaten my bodyweight in crisps during lockdown? £65.
13. Abstract Nude painting, I always think there’s something extra special and indulgent about buying art for yourself. I recently discovered Rebecca Howarth’s beautiful work through Liv & Dais from @asouthlondonstyle The twins run the South London Makers Market in nearby Crystal Palace but with lockdown in effect they’ve innovated and moved the market online. Find out more here. I also discovered the fab Sugar & Cement through them. These coasters are lush! Yes more scallops. Clearly I can’t get enough right now.
Sugar & Cement concrete coasters